Unlock The Conscious Parent Within by Healing Your Inner Child

A deeply transformative, 3-step journey that takes you from reactivity, anger, and anxiety, to calm, presence, and joy.


Does this sound familiar?

It’s been a long day and you’re feeling worn out. All you want is some quiet time to unwind in peace but your children are hungry, bickering and need your attention.

The noise and constant whining start to grate. You feel your body tensing as your adrenaline levels start to rise. Your nerves are rapidly fraying. The inner peace you savoured this morning has evaporated.

Before you know it, you have snapped. And find yourself yelling at them in exactly the same way your parents would yell at you. Saying mean things, perhaps even throwing or breaking something in frustration.

They stare at you. Perhaps they start to cry; you can see that you have scared them. And then the shame cycle begins.

You had such good intentions for today. You vowed to be a more patient, more stable, more tolerant mama - to be there for them in the way that they need you to be.

And yet events have proven to you that - yet again - you are unable to get there. You have failed to be the conscious parent you so badly want to be.

Instead you have shown that you are volatile, ‘bad', unable to keep calm, to be kind, or hold space for their big feelings.

Because it’s always your big feelings that get in the way, first.




And (more importantly) IT IS NOT ALL YOUR FAULT.

The reason that your big feelings get in the way of you holding space for your kids is because they are old emotions dating back to your childhood.

You were unable to process these at the time because you weren’t psychologically evolved enough to do so. And you couldn’t express them because you were afraid of being punished or rejected by your primary caregivers if you did.

So all the anger, shame, resentment, grief, frustration or sadness you felt as a child or adolescent - but couldn’t show - got shoved back in. And it’s been accumulating ever since.

Shoving these emotions down was the right thing to do at the time - you needed to belong to the family unit in order to survive, and therefore learnt to put the family ‘rules’ first.

But these old feelings from your past haven’t gone away. They are still ‘stuck’ in your body, waiting to be processed consciously.

And so when something happends to or around you that reminds you of your past, they are stirred up in you once again. And you are taken back to being that child/adolescent/young adult whose parents didn’t have the capacity to meet her needs.

In short, your past is hijacking your present.


Now imagine how it would feel to:

love yourself again

without relying on external validation, to no longer need to be perfect, to be able to stop people-pleasing and overstepping your boundaries, to stop second-guessing and to finally believe in yourself, feel enough and be able to trust that things are going to be ok.

Parent in a calm way

instead of being subsumed by your overwhelm and frustration, to be able to respond to your children in a wholehearted way rather than react from your wounded inner child, to no longer want to run away or busy yourself with chores instead of being present.

heal your inner child

so that she is no longer in the driving seat of your life, to know what she needs when she is feeling scared or alone and how to soothe her back to a place of safety, to step into an adult relationship with your parents instead of needing them to be and act a certain way for you to feel ok.

Hear and Trust your body

so that you can meet its needs in the moment, break old patterns, know which course of action is best for you and create new ways of responding to people and events, instead of getting caught up in the over-thinking and over-analysing that lead you to confusion, indecision and stuckness.


Here’s How ‘Making Peace With Your Past’ Will Get You There…


It’s a 3-step process…

Step 1


understand why you are the way that you are and how the way that you were parented is unconsciously affecting how you show up in your relationships and parenting

Module 1: Laying Foundations

Through two beautiful rituals, anchor in why you are here: set healing intentions for yourself (what you want receive from this course and what you need to bring in order to create success) and make sacred promises to your children. Learn how the effects of developmental/attachment trauma are showing up in your life (even if your past was also happy and positive) and hear my reasons for being here, via my own journey from self-loathing to self-love.

Module 2: You Are Not Your Parents

Explore how your childhood and the way in which your parents brought you up has affected the way in which you relate to yourself, to the world, and how you relate to others (including your partner and children). Identify unconscious beliefs, values, judgements, coping mechanisms and fears that you inherited and how these play out in your view of yourself as both a ‘good’ and ‘bad’ mama. Find wholeness in your mother role with a balancing ritual that acknowledges how both sides serve you, and are equally welcome.

Module 3: Processing Emotions

Identify which emotions you unconsciously judge yourself for feeling, your current go-to coping mechansims (how these relate to your parents and how these might not be serving you) as well as learning a healthy, sustainable alternative in the form of ‘reparenting’ your inner child.

Module 4: Facing Fears

Explore the six most common forms of resistance that naturally arise as part of your healing journey (such as inherited cultural, familial or religious taboos, misplaced loyalty, or the biological wiring that ensures that a part of you views your parents a certain way) and learn how to overcome these.

Step 2


truly accept your parents and enjoy a more authentic, meaningful relationship with them as an adult, through releasing old, stuck grief and anger from your childood And relying on your inner parent to meet your emotional needs

Module 1: Prioritising Nurture

Identify both what you feel and need in any given moment, learn to communicate that effectively and ask for support in meeting it, as well as practising micro-dosing daily nuggets of nourishment in order to counterbalance this deep innerwork.

Module 2: The Mother Imprint

Explore the legacy of your mother* not being there for you in the ways that you needed her to be: the effects on you growing up, as well as now as an adult (in your parenting, intimate relationships and self-regard), and how to clear this in order to show up as the mama, partner and woman that you want to be.

Module 3: The Father Imprint

Explore the legacy of your father* not being there for you in the ways that you needed her to be: the effects on you growing up, as well as now as an adult (in your parenting, intimate relationships and self-regard), and how to clear this in order to show up as the mama, partner and woman that you want to be.

Module 4: Triggers, Integrating Painful Memories & Staying Grounded

Use what causes a disproportionate reaction to signpost the unprocessed wounds and unhelpful self-limiting beliefs from your past that need healing, learn how to integrate painful memories in somatic ways with the support of your inner parent, and discover 19 physical, mental and emotional tools to either calm you down or discharge unwanted energy when you are feeling triggered.

(*mother/father refers to the primary caregiver who most resembled this 'archetype' in your life)

Step 3


acknowledge the impact of your inner work journey on your future physical health, anchor in your newfound acceptance (of yourself and others) and make peace with your past!

Module 1: Your Legacy

Recognise the physical effects of the challenges of your childhood on your body (including your pre-innerwork ACE score), learn to work with nervous tics or habits by seeing them as pointers to your deeper emotional needs in any given moment, and anchor in future resilience through a beautiful ritual acknowledging past and current tools, resources and the supportive people in your life.

Module 2: Integration

Consolidate and celebrate your insights, learnings and growth on this journey with a symbolic closing ritual preparing you for a new chapter of your life that is calm, conscious, confident and capable!


mama success stories

“I feel as though I have more control over my life, like I am in the driver’s seat. Prior to the course, I was so easily triggered and overwhelmed by life. I have more patience for my kids and more compassion for myself. I feel like I got to know who I truly am throughout this work. I surprised myself the most by how vulnerable I could be. I expected to be more of an observer and l ended up being more of a participant because I felt safe to do so. The biggest takeaway for me was realizing that I am stronger than my anxiety and braver than my fear. I have the strength within myself to conquer anything. I just needed to find it.”

— Rosie

“Before joining the programme, I was feeling very depressed and was struggling with anxiety over the way in which I was connecting with my daughter.

Since then, a lot in my life has improved – it helped me to unload the pressure that had built up inside me and to realise that I focus almost exclusively on making my daughter happy.

I know now that helping myself is the most important thing that I can do rather than wait for someone else to fix me.

The course was great value! ”

— Julie

“When I started the course my ‘inner critic’ was way too loud, and really hindering me. It was a mental block, that seemed to be on an endless loop.

Really sitting with this and looking at where that comes from has been illuminating, and created some positive movement forward.

I noticed it was really effective in terms of my confidence in getting back to work after being a stay at home mom, and since our course started I have picked up (and completed) 2 consulting gigs, one of which the client has come back and asked for additional proposals for more work!!”

— Cindy


‘Making peace with your past’ is an in-depth programme that will enable you to become free of the pain of your childhood…

…so that you can be the conscious, respectful and gentle mama that you want to be.


you receive lifetime access to:


The Programme

A signature 3-step process featuring: 6 hours worth of content-packed, easy-to-digest video tutorials featuring experiential as well as intellectual learning approaches, downloadable transcripts of each of the lessons featured in the 10 core modules, downloadable worksheets of the tools, journalling prompts, mental and somatic exercises to practise in your own time, easy-to-reference lesson summaries and homework prompts, suggested questions and topics for further reflection or sharing with the community.

The Live Support

2* live, video-off, Q&A support sessions/month creating a safe, trauma-informed space for you to celebrate together the positive shifts in your parenting, gain insights into overcoming any resistance that has come up, be witnessed lovingly in your pain - knowing that it is shared by others - or simply experience the transformative power of hearing your story reflected in those of others' whilst feeling held by a community of mamas who are on the same healing journey.

(*subject to demand and scheduling requirements)

The Private Community

A moderated, private, member's-only, community platform that creates a safe container for compassionate, peer-to-peer support as you navigate your way from the shame, emotional volatility, self-loathing and isolation that can arise from trauma, towards the self-compassion, acceptance, inner peace and belonging that comes from being part of a group of inspirational women that share a common goal and driver: to heal in order to be the very best mamas they can be.

all of the above For life!! 🤯


You have 2 options to participation:

Pay in Full

1 payment of US$2,997

Payment Plan

3 monthly payments of US$1,099


Explore how Making Peace With Your Past can support you, by booking a complimentary, 45-minute discovery session with me here.


‘Making peace with your past’:

 LIFETIME access to twice-monthly live coaching support, A Private, online member’s Group and a wholly transformative course


My Approach:

🔹 multi-sensory learning (via video as well as written transcripts)

🔹 experiential healing (via somatic processing, guided visualisations, ceremony and rituals)

🔹 practical guidance (on making the most of course material, sustaining momentum and remaining connected to your healing goals to ensure success)

🔹 independent, self-driven, self-paced study (with life-long access to both programme content and the community)

🔹 an intimate, emotionally-safe and nourishing environment for self-discovery (exclusively for mamas who wish to integrate past trauma)


mama success stories

“I’m finally allowing myself to be my most authentic self. I’m understanding things that I never would have seen before. I was doing everything I could to be validated and accepted by others because little me always needed that. I can’t thank you enough for this journey.”

— Caitlin

“I always thought to be the best mum I could be that I had to give, give, give. Everything was about sacrificing me because I’ve always sacrificed me. Now I realise that I’ve never nourished myself. When I’m the one I need to look after first and then I can look after others. I matter just as much as everyone else.”

— Paula

“Something has definitely changed. I’m not always as calm as I want to be but I know I’m always trying, and I’m much kinder to myself, in part because I truly believe now that I am doing my best and that even when I slip up, I’m not doing anything truly terrible.”

— Vicky


With ‘Making Peace With Your Past’, you can expect to:

💙 Journey deep into what makes you YOU, why you are the way that you are, and how to release whatever is no longer in alignment with who you want to be.

💙 Explore how past experiences, inherited beliefs and unconscious family patterns have contributed to your low self-worth and lack of self-belief, and how this is holding you back from sharing your full self with the world.

💙 Learn how to feel safe enough to release the fears that you have embodied since childhood, and how to reintegrate the parts of you that you have judged or rejected as unacceptable.


All this... so that you:

- no longer feel held back by your past

- can stop parenting like your parents

- are able to enjoy the energy, bandwidth, internal resources and tools to be present, spontaneous and loving to those you care about the most (in exactly the way you had imagined).


 I’m Lavinia and I’m…

➡️ a strong, loving and non-judgemental guide who will support you as you explore the painful episodes of your life - or parts of you that you have shut away because they feel shameful, complicated, messy or terrifying - and help you to process them safely and heal them at your own pace so that you can finally leave them behind 

➡️ a caring and compassionate listener who understands what you are going through because I have gone through it all myself 

➡️ a fellow mother who takes a no-nonsense, fun and sometimes irreverent approach to adulting (with a few swear words thrown in)

➡️ a spiritual seeker who believes: that the universe has eyes (as well as our back), that everything happens for everyone’s highest good, that we create our own reality, that we live more than once in different body suits and that Nature (and our personal, sacred connection to it) is our biggest self-care tool 

➡️ a feminist who is passionate about helping mothers to no longer feel: mistrust or competitive of other women, afraid of men (physically or emotionally) or scared of being silenced, shamed or ridiculed for who they are 

➡️ an idealist who believes that mothers should stop striving to emulate an impossible feminine archetype and instead feel confident and courageous enough to reveal their imperfectly perfect selves to the world with pride 

➡️ an intense, sometimes contradictory but always radically honest Virgoan, recovering-perfectionist who is trying to be the best mama, partner, coach, friend and human that she can be


'Making Peace With Your Past' includes:

✅ A signature 3-step process featuring: 6 hours worth of content-packed, easy-to-digest video tutorials featuring experiential as well as intellectual learning approaches, downloadable transcripts of each of the lessons featured in the 10 core modules, downloadable worksheets of the tools, journalling prompts, mental and somatic exercises to practise in your own time, easy-to-reference lesson summaries and homework prompts, suggested questions and topics for further reflection or sharing with the community.

2* live, video-off, Q&A support sessions/month creating a safe, trauma-informed space for you to celebrate together the positive shifts in your parenting, gain insights into overcoming any resistance that has come up, be witnessed lovingly in your pain - knowing that it is shared by others - or simply experience the transformative power of hearing your story reflected in those of others' whilst feeling held by a community of mamas who are on the same healing journey.

✅ A moderated, private, member's-only, community platform that creates a safe container for compassionate, peer-to-peer support as you navigate your way from the shame, emotional volatility, self-loathing and isolation that can arise from trauma, towards the self-compassion, acceptance, inner peace and belonging that comes from being part of a group of inspirational women that share a common goal and driver: to heal in order to be the very best mamas they can be.

(*subject to demand and scheduling requirements)

All Of The Above for life!!


Explore how Making Peace With Your Past can support you, by booking a complimentary, 45-minute discovery session with me here.

  • Absolutely! Book a call with me here. We’ll explore if this programme is the right fit for you and you’ll get to ask me any questions you may have.

  • In terms of content, they are the same! All of my coaching and healing tools (gathered over many years of personal and professional exposure to developmental trauma) are in this course.

    There are two main differences: energy and format.

    Energetically, if you have never done innerwork in community before you are in for such a treat! Because a group magnetises whatever is going on for you. It speeds up your healing process because you are held by the power of a cohort of strong, open and incredibly supportive heart-led women who are feeling exactly the same way as you: they want to clear their ancestral baggage so that they don’t pass on their trauma, they want to feel safe enough to connect meaningfully with their partners and they want to feel strong and capable enough to be who they want to be. In a community setting, when you heal, everyone heals. When someone else heals, you heal too. So everything is intensified in a wonderful and deeply powerful way.

    Format-wise, the self-led programme is an emotive and experiential process. It is laser-focused on the core of my work: the mother imprint, the father imprint and your inner child and goes very deep to disentangle you from unconscious patterns that have been running in the background for decades.

    It follows a carefully-curated, strategic path that will take you from a place of unconscious awareness of how you have merged with your parents to conscious individuation and to clarity around the kind of mother and partner you want to be, with the tools to achieve this.

  • It is completely normal to feel afraid of sharing your ‘story’ with other strangers. The good news is, you don’t need to! Sharing is completely optional and you set your own healing pace. Indeed, learning how and why it is a good idea to be lead by your inner child and how safe she feels, rather than gaslighting her into participation is a big part of your healing journey.

    My goal is to support you with this new relationship by creating the strongest, most powerful container for your inner child to relax into - and I’ve been told it’s what I do really well. So, here are what some other - past participants - have said about exactly this process: “I was surprised by how emotional I was during the series. I don’t have a problem crying in front of others and I would not describe myself as stoic, but I really let it all hang out a few times. I was surprised by how safe I felt with Lavinia and the other women to not only feel very deep feelings but also to share them and some of my ugliest thoughts.”

    Another participant said the following: “I surprised myself the most by how vulnerable I could be. I expected to be more of an observer and l ended up being more of a participant because I felt safe to do so.”

    Remember that there will also be dedicated, private, member's only Facebook group too. This is a space for you to create bonds with and feel supported and motivated by the others mamas whilst the shame and isolation of your trauma transmutes to comfort and belonging.

  • Absolutely! You can pay via direct debit in 3 separate installments over 3 months and get access to the first module straight away!

  • Yes – I use a system that takes your card details and does it all for you!

  • Each session will be recorded and sent to you within 24 hours. They will be available for one month from the date of the live.

  • I work hard to create a safe environment in which all participants feel held and supported enough to share freely about whatever is coming up for them during their healing process. Disruptions can effect the efficacy of this energetic container so it’s highly recommended that you show up a few minutes early in order to be fully present at the start of the session and stay until the very end.

    Of course, if there is an emergency, you must do what you need to do. If, however, you know in advance that you are likely to need to leave half way through a session or that you will be very late, it is best to listen to the recording sent within 24 hours of the live session so as not to disturb the flow of the group.

  • My work is most relevant to primary caregivers who identify as women and the programme content is designed with them in mind.

  • I totally understand if you have specific concerns or questions about the programme that need answering before you feel that you can fully commit.

    Please feel free to email me directly by clicking here – I’d love to hear from you!

  • It is very common for most of my clients not to remember much of their past when we first meet. Their inner child doesn’t feel safe enough to go there. However, as their inner child starts to feel more held and loved – as they soften into the healing process - they are gradually able to access (and process) more and more childhood memories.

  • Yes. Because however happy your childhood was overall, it is impossible that your parents were superhuman enough to be there to meet every single one of your emotional needs at every stage of your development.

    Part of the process of becoming the parent that you want to be is examining the dynamic with each of your own parents in order to acknowledge (and then heal) the ways in which they weren’t there for you in the way that you needed them to be. There are a great many blocks that can prevent us from doing this which is why this forms one entire module on our journey towards the end goal of acceptance (of them and of yourself) so that you can make peace with your past.

  • Yes. We will be working together to support you to heal the memories of how your parents treated you as a child/adolescent/young adult rather than with your live parents now.

  • No. This is always an option if you feel called to do this but it is absolutely not necessary and not a required step in the healing process of this programme.

  • Yes absolutely. We work with the mother imprint and the father imprint which refer to whichever primary caregiver most closely fitted this archetype as you were growing up. Neither needs to be limited to just one person.

  • The programme is set up to support you to heal your dynamic with your parents – in the past and in the present. As you do this work, some find it easier to create some space between themselves and their parents in order to process the past without any outside influence, whereas others continue their relationship without any changes.

    Everyone integrates their wounds in different ways and part of this work is finding out what feels most nourishing to you (at every step of the way). Your relationship with your parents may well look different at the end of the programme than it did at the beginning but the goal is for this new dynamic to be based on a more authentic and meaningful connection than you had before and for you finish with a greater acceptance of yourself and of your parents than you have ever felt.


Frequently Asked Questions:


mama success stories

“Your work is such a gift to the world, and it has been a tremendous relief to know that I have access to your support and knowledge.”

— Emily

“Rather than having to rely on someone else to continually help me with my issues, you have taught me what I need to do to heal myself. I have definitely seen results and I know that I have what it takes to be all that I need for myself.”

— Annie

“Now, having done this work, I truly believe that inner parenting is the only way to truly heal. Years of therapy never gave me results like this.”

— Jaimie

Explore how Making Peace With Your Past can support you, by booking a complimentary, 45-minute discovery session with me here.