No longer want to feel so
out of control?

Download this 3-Step Workbook and discover how to reconnect with your inner calm, whatever the storm!

Sometimes it all feels like too much - as though the treadmill of life is stuck on a speed that is too fast for you; it's out of control, you're out of control and you don't have the time, energy or tools to activate the pause button and ask for time out.

Especially when the world you know seems to be crumbling, and nothing seems certain anymore…

the bad news is that the treadmill of life won’t stop. The good news is that you can slow it down, learn how to cope with its speed, and even enjoy the ride, despite what is kicking off around you.

In this Workbook, you will learn how to:

  • Activate your Inner Resilience so that you can get through your days with flow

  • Find your Inner Calm, even in the midst of chaos, so that you can be kinder to yourself and your kids

  • Learn how to better Communicate with those around you so that you get your needs met and feel more connected

“I feel like I am learning so much about myself that I never knew before. I have spent most of my life not even knowing what I enjoy because I constantly moulded into what I thought would make everyone else happy. Thank you for helping me on this journey!”

“Rather than having to rely on someone else to continually help me with my issues, you have taught me what I need to do to heal myself. I know this will be an ongoing process, perhaps for the rest of my life...but I have definitely seen results and I know that I have what it takes to be all that I need for myself.”

Hi, I’m Lavinia...

…and I understand that life as a mama is both incredibly rewarding and relentlessly draining.

I get the shame you feel for not being able to put into action all of the parenting tools that you have learnt.  

I see how hard you are trying and yet it never feels good enough - you don’t want to put in yet more repair, you want to stop behaving in the way that warrants an apology!  

I know how important it is to you to be a better mother: to stop feeling so volatile, to no longer shout, to be more calm, patient and empathetic.  

I know that you think that no-one else is doing as bad a job as you are, and that your greatest fear is that you have already damaged your kids.

I get it because I was you!

But, just like you, I knew there had to be a way to no longer feel so broken and toxic. So I learnt the tools I needed in order to show up as the conscious mama, connected partner and strong leader I wanted to be.

And now I help others to do the same….