Work with me as a

private client

… and experience the bespoke attention and unique, hand-held guidance that your inner child requires to heal.

If you know in your heart and body that your inner child needs that extra, personalised support in order to feel secure and whole through her healing process…

...then private client work is for you.  

“Since the series, I feel that a huge amount of anxiety and pain has been expressed and released - I was really taken aback by all the inner life from the past that was waiting to be processed and I no longer feel the burden of it. I can now watch for the triggers and the inner voices and I am aware of my vulnerabilities. I am finally FEELING things - without needing to justify or excuse this, or get ashamed about having emotions. My self-esteem is higher, I can receive and offer praise, I’m no longer seeking as much external approval and I am being more genuine because I am aware of the depth of my feelings, and how important it is to honour them, rather than push them aside.” 


Let yourself experience... 

  • The integration of childhood, adolescent, and early-adult attachment trauma so that you are free of toxic family patterns and can live the life you want to create.  

  • A conscious (and permanent) release of the backlog of old, body-held, anger, frustration, resentment and grief from your past, so that it can no longer be stirred up by triggers in the present.

  • The unconditionally nurturing connection of a loving inner parent who can validate your big feelings and soothe your overwhelm so that it doesn’t explode out  of you in an uncontrolled way on those you love the most.

  • Mastery of the somatic, cognitive and emotional tools that can integrate the unprocessed memories that are holding you back from being the conscious mama and connected partner you want to be.

  • Intimate knowledge of and confidence in your own needs and values, and how to express these effectively without resorting to mama rage or martyrdom. 

  • A taming of your negative mental tapes (such as your inner bully/perfectionist/cynic or worrier) so that they no longer crowd out the compassionate voice of your inner parent.

  • An acceptance and re-integration of the ‘shadow’ parts of yourself that you have rejected or shut down through pain or projected shame.

Want to achieve results faster, with the bespoke support and focused accountability that a one-to-one partnership provides?

Here’s how we work together:

Compassionate CURIOSITY

Through undertaking an exhaustive and compassionate enquiry into the way that you were parented and how this is affecting the way you relate to yourself, the way you show up as a parent and partner and your capacity to feel safe and trust in life.


Through replacing your uncertainty, mistrust, loneliness and fear with the unconditional nurture of a safe, caring other that you longed for but never experienced as a child, allowing you to hone your capacity to both give and receive love with the most important people in your life.


Through the guided, emotional, cognitive and somatic removal of the body-held anger and grief which were provoked by your early, negative experiences of dysfunctional family dynamics.

Integrating Core Wounds

Through making conscious the deepest fears behind your core wounds and replacing the self-limiting coping mechanisms that are driving your behaviour (such as procrastinating, people-pleasing, fear of being vulnerable, fear of conflict, fear of being seen/abandoned/rejected, perfectionism, mama martyrdom, imposter syndrome, catastrophising and black and white thinking) with sustainable values such as integrity, resilience, compassion, courage and strength.

Mama Success Stories


With Lavinia’s support and guidance, I healed the trauma that, unbeknownst to me, had been poisoning my sense of self and therefore, so many aspects of my present life. 

This work has opened me up – I have a greater awareness of why I may feel a certain way and can now honor my instincts and voice. I now know I have the power to create my own inner peace and that I am lovable (flaws and all!) just as I am. I accept I am only human and that this is a life’s work.”

  • “When we first connected, I felt defeated and incapable of becoming the gentle parent I so desperately wanted to be. Too often, no matter what my intellect and heart truly wanted, in the moment, my whole body would be overtaken by years of poor coping. I was desperate to bridge this gap and to find a way to embody my best intentions.

    I had worked with therapists before but never with a coach. I was cautiously optimistic that working with Lavinia would enable me to breakthrough – she was the first person with whom I have worked who truly understood my struggles and this gave me hope that I could, too. In the back of my mind, however, I was afraid that I would fail because I was fundamentally broken.

    Before our first session, I felt hopeful that this work could make a true difference and I was ready to do whatever it took. From our first conversation, I knew that Lavinia was just the person I needed to hold my hand through this raw and uncomfortable work. I felt safe, seen and supported.

    With Lavinia’s support and guidance, I healed the trauma that, unbeknownst to me, had been poisoning my sense of self and therefore, so many aspects of my present life. 

    This work has opened me up – I have a greater awareness of why I may feel a certain way and can now honor my instincts and voice. I now know I have the power to create my own inner peace and that I am lovable (flaws and all!) just as I am. I accept I am only human and that this is a life’s work. 

    I finally have the tools and confidence to pick myself back up and keep trying which has allowed me to give myself more grace as I do my best each day to show up for my boys. This healing and clarity have also freed me from certain triggers, from my own unrealistic expectations and from prolonged pain with my parents, which had been popping up in other dynamics as well.

    I surprised myself the most during the series by realizing that my voice has always been there. I was just too distracted by the noise—fear, shame and over-analysis—to listen to it.

    My biggest learning was that I am a thinking, feeling, imperfect being, not a robot who can execute to task every time. I am powered by my heart, not batteries, and this is what it means to be alive and to grow!

    I absolutely think that the coaching series was good value and I want to thank Lavinia for sharing her vulnerability, empathy, deep insights and patience - thank you for believing in and walking with me. You are a gift.” 


Since coaching, gosh, so much has improved - I’m beyond the moon! I feel like I’ve lost over 100 pounds off my back and I now have so much more space to manage the varying energies that come my way throughout the day, especially from my children.

I’m much calmer and no longer get anxious over the small things that occur during the day. I can say that I truly love myself and that I’m happy - I now have a zest for life and for knowledge - I want to experience everything!”

  • “When we first connected, I was experiencing outbursts of anger and rage towards my family, I wasn’t able to cope with negative feedback or energy outside the home, and I wasn’t confident in my daily actions or decisions. I felt so lost and hopeless.

    I had never worked with a coach before but before our first session, I felt so excited and ready for whatever was required to get to a better place.

    Since coaching, gosh, so much has improved - I’m beyond the moon! I feel like I’ve lost over 100 pounds off my back and I now have so much more space to manage the varying energies that come my way throughout the day, especially from my children.

    I’m much calmer and no longer get anxious over the small things that occur during the day. I can say that I truly love myself and that I’m happy - I now have a zest for life and for knowledge - I want to experience everything!

    I surprised myself the most during our series by seeing immediate changes even after a few sessions. I was also surprised by how much of the inner work was done internally and not discussed out loud which gave me more time to really think things through.

    My biggest learning was how much my past trauma was directly affecting my current relationships, and that with the right guidance and tools, anything is possible!

    The coaching series was great value - Lavinia helped me with healing my past as well as with my current marriage troubles. I finished feeling very satisfied. Thank you so very much!”


The biggest change I’ve witnessed in myself is that I’m more grounded, more present, more aware of my needs, and more likely to fill my space in the room.

I am kinder to myself, and I am learning to respect myself. I am learning to ‘show up’ more - in relationships and at work - which means making choices/decisions, giving my opinion, and putting myself forward for a role which I would previously have shied away from.”

  • “I felt lost, lonely, stuck and trapped in a cycle of frustration and resentment about so many things. My relationship with my husband and my kids was failing and I didn’t like myself very much. I had tried various therapies and counsellors, self-help books etc. Still, I had lost any faith that anything would work - I felt like I’d been going around in circles with anxiety, depression and general low self-esteem ever since I was a teenager, and had started to think that it was just the way I was. There was no way out of it.

    The biggest change I’ve witnessed in myself is that I’m more grounded, more present, more aware of my needs, and more likely to fill my space in the room. I am kinder to myself, and I am learning to respect myself. I am learning to ‘show up’ more - in relationships and at work - which means making choices/decisions, giving my opinion, and putting myself forward for a role which I would previously have shied away from.

    The continual email access to Lavinia in between sessions was invaluable. It definitely helped to keep the momentum going between sessions, and I’m sure it led to many more insights than the sessions alone would have done. My biggest learning however was how many habits and beliefs I was/am still carrying from my parents/grandparents and how much these things have affected how I live my life - how much I was ashamed of my inner child/my background – and how good I’ve been at ‘intellectualising’ my issues, rather than feeling them and healing them.” 

You are a private client if...

  • You thrive amidst the rich intensity and deep connection of a one-to-one therapeutic relationship.

  • You value your mental, emotional and physical health as your topmost priority, and how this affects your daily capacity to show up as your best self.

  • Your natural confidence and capabilities are revealed and enhanced under the laser focus of a bespoke approach. 

  • You desire to nurture your inner child and heal the mother and father ‘imprint’ but also wish to uncover and move into the wider ramifications of your attachment trauma, in the form of how you are being held back from showing up at work, in your social life and in your romantic relationships in the way you deserve.

  • You know you will cover more ground, quicker and more efficiently, with the loving accountability provided by both carrot and stick.

  • You are ready and willing to commit fully and wholeheartedly to your healing journey and see the considerable financial, energetic and time requirements this entails as an unmissable opportunity to break toxic patterns and invest in the long-term health and happiness of yourself, your family and future generations.

Experience being hand-held through your healing process: guided, stretched, inspired and motivated, into a loving acceptance of your authentic self...

...on a 3-month, bespoke, intensive healing journey.

Together, we will unearth, process and integrate the blocks, fears and self-limiting beliefs you unconsciously inherited in your past, so that your life is no longer defined by your trauma.

Your personalised programme includes A MINIMUM* OF:

  • 6 focused, holistic healing sessions:

    Each 1.5-2 hour-long, face-to-face session takes place via video call in the location where you feel most comfortable.

    • Session 1 takes you on a guided, intuitive process that ends with the finalisation of the two, incredible goals that will provide the direction for our work together.

    • Sessions 2 to 5 focus on identifying the deep inner work necessary as well as the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual support you require, in order to release old, stuck emotions and body-held trauma, heal your wounded inner child, and acknowledge and overcome the dysfunctional family patterns that are holding you back - at home, at work and in your parenting and relationships.

    • Session 6 is spent consolidating your learnings and tools, and celebrating your growth in order to anchor in your new-found confidence, strength and worth.

  • Daily, individualised, online attention:

    Experience the unconditionally loving support, laser-focused insights and all the coaching accountability and motivation you need to ensure success, with continual email access to me** as you navigate your transformation.

    * (3 months is the minimum time required to obtain the results you desire - most mamas extend our work together by 1 - 3 months. The average length of a healing programme is 4 months). **(all correspondence responded to within 48 hours of receipt)

Pay In Full

one-time payment

£/€/US$ 3,497

Payment Plan

3 monthly payments of

£/€/US$ 1,397

I can’t express enough how important the coaching series was - my husband told me what a difference he sees and it was so wonderful to hear. It was absolutely good value - it changed my life!” 

— Christine