Stop parenting like your parents,
Heal Your
Inner Child
and reveal the conscious parent within.
When we first become parents we may unconsciously repeat the patterns of behaviour that we experienced as children; let me help you clear this trauma so you can become the mama, partner and woman YOU want to be.

Ready to find some calm?
Download my 3-Step Workbook and learn how to understand (and overcome) your triggers, nourish yourself from within and communicate from the heart to create the inner peace that you crave.
Be free of the toxic family patterns keeping you stuck and create the life you want for you and your kids
There’s a reason you can’t implement the parenting advice you’ve absorbed through countless podcasts, books and social media posts.
And it’s not you. It’s your past.
Because your parents’ approach, their emotional maturity and their capacity to show up for you in the way that you needed them to, has a tremendous impact on the way you view yourself, how you interact with others and whether you view the world as safe or not.
You are struggling to put into practise the parenting theory you are so familiar with because your survival brain is taking over - mindset work is often ineffective when dealing with unprocessed emotional wounds.
Instead, triggers in the present stir up feelings from the past, you feel stuck in dysfunctional family patterns and your wounded inner child is in the driving seat of your life.
So, to stop parenting like your parents and show up as the gentle mama (and connected partner) you want to be, you need to heal your inner child, FIRST.
This is where my programmes come in...
Making Peace
with Your Past
The signature, holistic healing programme
Making Peace With Your Past takes you on a truly transformative, trauma-informed journey from reactivity, mama rage, shame and anxiety to becoming the calm, present, respectful parent and connected partner that you want to be.
Over the course of 10, self-paced, content-packed modules, you will be guided through intense, cognitive as well as deeply-embodied healing processes to a place of loving self-acceptance as well as authentic connection with your parents, kids and partner.
Your self-led journey is enhanced through lifetime access to two live, group coaching, support calls a month*.
(*subject to demand and scheduling requirements).
“I’ve begun this coaching course to help support and change the way that I mother: both the way that I do it as well as the way that I feel about it. The stuff I’m uncovering already - my baggage and triggers, what’s hindering my ability to stay calm and parent how I want to - it’s amazing. I’m so, so glad I took the plunge and signed up!”
— Natalie, UK
Finding Freedom
A foundation-level course
A self-led introduction to mastering the three, key healing tools you need in order to find freedom from your past: working with triggers, reparenting your inner child and taming your inner critic.
This self-paced course will show you how to stop flying into mama rage by learning how to identify the root cause of your disproportionate reactions, and how to heal these in order to be a more stable and grounded mother and partner. You will learn how reparenting your inner child is the quickest and most efficient way to regain control of your emotions - regardless of what is kicking off around you - and how to replace your harsh inner voice with compassion and soothing so that you always feel enough.
“I have worked on only one emotional trigger so far, in the first module of Finding Freedom (I have 9,000 it seems, lol), and I already feel like a new woman and mom. I can’t tell you how freeing just the first module was. I’m so thankful I found your courses. Thank you, thank you!”
— Leslee, USA
Cycle Connection
A foundation-level course
A self-led introduction to understanding your menstrual cycle so that you can live your life more in alignment with it.
Harness your natural energy surges and learn how to rest and reboot during essential dips, whilst lessening the impact of the symptoms of each of your four, weekly ‘seasons’ by working with, rather than against them in order to create more long-term emotional stability, greater self-awareness and compassion, and to prepare you for peri-menopause.
“Your course has absolutely changed my journey. I’m entering my winter phase (which I’ve learnt is the week BEFORE my bleed) feeling lonely, prickly, withdrawn, but also craving support and connection. I’m able to see that I went through a lot of stress and overactivity during my summer and fall seasons which means I’m now depleted and a little lost. But I feel so held and seen by you and that is an immense comfort and stabilizing force. I believe this is the powerful nature of your work - you’ve opened yourself to be this for all the women who have been touched by your content and I am so grateful to you. Thank you so much”
— Caitlin, USA
Inner Zen
A foundation-level course
A self-led introduction to creating more headspace so that you can be present and feel more carefree in day-to-day life.
In this self-paced course you will explore the various ways in which you are distracted from the ‘now’ - getting caught up in cycles of comparison and judgement of others or spiralling into regret and future-tripping.
You’ll also learn how to become more accepting both of yourself and how you react to events through discovering tools to reconnect to your emotions and learn how to feel and let go of them as they arise, without drama.
“This work seems to have given me the peace I was looking for, and I’m feeling some joy and gratefulness that’s not been there before.”
— Sarah, UK
About me...
I know how hard you are on yourself
I understand that life as a mama is both incredibly rewarding and relentlessly draining, and that your kids bring out both the best and worst in you.
I get the shame you feel for not being able to put into action all of the parenting tools that you have learnt.
I see how hard you are trying and yet it never feels good enough - you don’t want to put in yet more repair, you want to stop behaving in the way that warrants an apology!
I know how important it is to you to be a better mother: to stop feeling so volatile, to no longer shout, to be more calm, patient and empathetic.
I know that you think that no-one else is doing as bad a job as you are, and that your greatest fear is that you have already damaged your kids.
I get it because I was you!
Becoming a parent revealed all of my latent attachment trauma. And after birthing three kids in three years, there were points when I truly felt they would be better off without me.
But, just like you, I knew there had to be a way to no longer feel so broken and toxic.
So I got the validation I needed to vent my rage, I learnt the tools I needed to soothe my anxious inner child, I made peace with my parents and turned shame into self-compassion in order to feel safe and strong enough to show up as the mama, partner and woman I wanted to be.
Results You Can Expect
Podcast interviews
“I believe that inner parenting is the only way to truly heal. Years of therapy never gave me results like this.”