Is It Perimenopause Or ...?


The following could all be signs of the peri-menopause: ⁠

  • inexplicable bloating or new digestive issues⁠

  • ⁠irregular menstrual cycle

  • uncharacteristically emotional outbursts ⁠

  • anxiety or panic 'attacks'⁠

  • unpredictable lulls in energy ⁠

  • volatile mood swings such as flying off the handle or bursting into tears ⁠

⁠AND... they could also be signs that old psychic wounds from your past are ready to heal - that the disowned parts of you that were the result of this 'trauma', are ready for re-integration. ⁠

How can you tell the difference?

You don’t need to. They are pointing to the same thing!

Menopause marks a time of transition, an opportunity to re-examine and clear out what is no longer serving you, in order to make way for a leaner, more efficiently authentic and more powerful you.

And so peri-menopause is just the start of this - it’s about getting your psychic house in order.

emotional volatility is one of the most common signs that we are in the right place to heal old 'trauma' -particularly when our old coping mechanisms (such as exercise, keeping ‘busy’, caffeine, alcohol, or medication) are no longer working to dull the pain. ⁠

When the psyche opens up the pandora's box of feelings that you weren't able to process when you first experienced them, anger, grief or anxiety can start to 'leak' out.

The fallout isn’t always pretty: relationships can become strained as ‘negative’ energy is projected onto those with whom we feel the safest – the people we love the most.

But it’s actually a great sign: these symptoms are showing you that you are ready to free yourself of old patterns, to clear your psychic baggage, and to step up into the next level of your authenticity! ⁠⁠

Support is essential to help you to channel and release these old, stuck emotions in a conscious way, in an environment in which you feel safe and understood. ⁠

Processing isn't much fun (particularly when you have a million other things to do) but the only way to freedom and authenticity is through.

And clearing psychic space means more creativity, increased physical energy, freedom and joy! ⁠

⁠⁠So think about your symptoms on a deeper level.

What could your body be revealing to you? What is it asking you to change, to look at, to let go of or to do more of in order to propel you towards the next level of your feminine power?

Are you hearing the call to create the life that suits YOU (rather than everyone else)?

(For support on tracking your menstrual cycle and learning how to maintain sustainable energy levels and enjoy emotional stability, check out my self-led, online course Cycle Connection).


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