I Was Feeling Weighed Down By Motherhood


When we first connected, I was feeling very weighed down by motherhood and was constantly being triggered by my son and other family members.

I’d never worked with a coach before and didn’t really have expectations - I felt like I had tried everything and really hoped that this would be what I needed. After our first session, I felt excited and reassured that I had made a good decision.

Since finishing the series with Lavinia, I find that I’m better at expressing my needs to my partner and can calm myself down a lot quicker which is helpful to everyone. I’m also more present with my son.

I surprised myself the most during the series by seeing just how small changes can make such a huge difference. It’s the consistency that makes all the difference - I’m proud of myself for constantly showing up for myself each day.

My biggest learning has been that I have everything I need to feel happy and fulfilled already within me. I realize that I didn’t need to change myself, I just needed assistance to access the strength I already had.

Lavinia really knows her stuff and has made a huge difference in my life. She did a great job at continually checking in to make sure that no stone was left unturned, we addressed all of the major issues that I was facing and she gave me really helpful advice.

I really appreciate how genuine and involved she was in my journey - I truly felt supported and cared for. She is an excellent coach and I highly recommend working with her!

 ~ Jade Tolhurst, perinatal mental health advocate & mama, Australia


I Felt Alone In A Fog Of Pain And Fear


I Needed Someone To Tell Me That It Was Going To Be OK