I Was In A State Of High Stress Almost Constantly


When we first connected, I felt as if I was in a state of high stress almost constantly, being frequently triggered by my son and other things, and suffering from intense feelings and outbursts of rage which I felt unable to control, leaving me with feelings of shame and in a state of emotional and physical collapse for a few days afterwards.

Since coaching, the outbursts of rage have been much less frequent. I am more aware of my feelings and able to be with them, mostly.

The relationship which has improved the most is the one with myself! But I know that this is the foundation for improving relationships with other people in my life. I have also started to feel a bit more connected with my partner, sometimes, and my son, sometimes - with my son I am generally better at responding to his emotional needs.

I surprised myself the most during the series by being able to connect physically with my emotions.

My biggest learning was that although I already knew intellectually that I needed to be able to connect to myself and love myself in order to connect with my son and partner (and indeed anyone else), I now understand this from experience. For example, when my son is upset, I still have the tendency to want to ‘fix’ things, but I know that I can't do this directly. The best thing I can do is work on myself in order to provide the safe presence he needs.

Thank you so much for helping me feel seen, understood, connected with. This has been the most precious gift which will stay with me as I continue the work we started.

~ Rebecca Edwards, naturopath & mama, Spain


I Was Struggling To Take Up Space


I Was Unable To Control Unwanted Childhood Memories