I Was Really Struggling With Irrational Irritation Towards My Children


When we first connected, I was really struggling with anger flare ups, irrational irritation towards my children and low self-worth.

I felt excited, ready and prepared before our first session, as well as carried and supported by Lavinia after. I had confidence and hope that this would finally be the thing that was going to create big changes.

Since coaching, first and foremost, my relationship with myself is much better - I feel more confident of my abilities and am much more caring towards myself.

My husband and I have come to a really good, balanced place (most of the time) and I am able to communicate with him better on most things (except for the few areas on which we didn’t focus in our sessions, so no surprises that I still feel triggered and irritated by some of his choices here)!

My relationship with my kids is good. It can be great and it can be not so great - it's a balance and I am ok with that. I now know that what I am giving them is more than enough.

Nothing really surprised me during the coaching series - there were insightful moments and I'm proud of myself for digging deep enough to uncover those, but I knew that I was able to do it, I just needed the guidance to get there.

My biggest learning was that it's all within me. If I don't write it out, it's going to stay within me and eat me up!

I am careful with money and went into the coaching knowing that it was expensive but at the end of the day it has made me happier and in turn my kids have a better life and relationship with me, so there isn’t really a price tag I could put on that - I am glad that I felt changes and that I took the risk to invest.

~ Jessie Morrison, reflexologist, potter & mama, UK


I Felt Disdain For My Husband And Older Daughter


I Was Feeling Constantly Guilty