Motherhood Was Scary - I Truly Hated It


The trigger that made me decide to say "YES!" to coaching was the following post on Instagram: "the degree to which you find other people's neediness triggering in you as an adult, can be directly correlated to how badly your boundaries were overstepped as a child, and you were the one that was unfairly needed by others". I burst into tears after reading it and could not stop!

I was both overcome with grief and also a little relief to know that what I had been feeling for the last 4 years of motherhood was NOT normal (it just didn’t feel that way deep inside despite what everyone said) and that there WAS a way to fix it.

I was excited and nervous before we started as I had tried multiple therapists before but to no avail. And yet, one day with Lavinia uncovered more than both experiences combined!

Since finishing my two series, the biggest change I have noticed in myself is my capacity to hold space for my children and my increased mental capacity: I can now do more with my days and my life.

My relationship with my partner has changed - I am now the calmer parent and the one who has more patience for the kids - and my friendships have also strengthened. I am now able to see past the day-to-day with my kids and think about the future!

My biggest learning was how much religion and the church had negatively impacted my upbringing - something that technically should be so "good" but which ended up being the source of many of my issues.

I think that the coaching series (and the 24/7 online access to Lavinia) was 100% good value which is why I did two. I saw the huge change after one series and did not quite feel like I was done yet. I'm so glad I followed my intuition and did another!

I'm not sure I can ever put into words how thankful I am for all that Lavinia did. She helped me become the mom I knew I was inside, buried underneath all the stuff that did not serve me and was affecting my family.

She allowed me to see how my past (parents, religion, church, school experiences etc) created a narrative and how to remove it all so that I could be the most true and honest version of myself.

We set out with two goals (which I NEVER thought I would achieve but which Lavinia helped me achieve in strides) and I have seen amazing shifts in my parenting, my relationship with my spouse, my friends, and family.

Motherhood was scary to me in every way.... I truly hated it. And now, I feel like it is the best thing in my life and the one that brings me the most joy.  

~ Alice Acton, mother, USA


I Was Overwhelmed By Motherhood, Pregnancy And Full-Time Work


I Was Ruled By My Mum